Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Sunday :(

It's Sunday. Beside going to Church, beside helping my dad. It also mean that its back to work tomorrow. Perhaps the only optimistic picture is: $$

Leading an office life is fun, eh? Friday is a day that all of us look forward to. The atmosphere in the office is so much better than on a Monday. As a result, Friday is also social-day! A day where office-worker will meet up with Friends to chill out. This is despite that we are way too tired. Energy that was drained as days goes before weekend hit.

Perhaps i was working alittle hard? I couldnt feel Christmas until last Friday. We should start going to Orchard. The atmosphere there is getting "thicker". Am loving it. Churches has also put on a new make-up in preparation for Christmas.

Y'know sometime i wish to travel around, to see how each individual countries, culture and people celebrate the Christmas?

That will be very nice.

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