Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hello 21

It's been a week since my birthday. While it seem that i'll be celebrating my birthday tomorrow with family and relatives and this time, with candles (:

How was my birthday celebration with friends then? I thought it was VERY lovely? It was plain, simple and yet uncreative (as describe by yaya) but heard of " simple is beauty"?


I spent my morning traveling to the east to pick up something from yongkit to return to my friend in the east also.


Then i had my lunch with my starfriend. Wait a minutes. She gave me something interesting! A hydrogen ballon with the words " Happy Birthday" written on it. I love the ballon. Since young i always find hydrogen ballon very interesting and my parent will always refused my request to buy. So when i saw the ballon i was pretty touched? But holding it also made me embarrassed. 21 le! holding a ballon and suddenly everyone around me knows that its my birthday. Haha.


I shall spare the details, FB has all the details (:
& i thought that the camera i brought there spoilt my mood but
we've CY who saved the situation!

and i was made to stand on the chair and gathered the attention of the floor for few minutes!

(that balloon is behind)

but to sum things up, love the camwhore session and we took like 300 photos?

After Dinner

we went for some drinks. I had my flaming Lamborghini, like finally? But i thought the what Barcadi 151 is really a test? I had to RUN when i drank it. I don't know why i started running but it was hot, hotter than any of the drinks i had in my entire life!

Haha, and everyone thought that i was drunk. But i was not, just a little high. LOL.

In Summary, we took 400 odd photos with our DSLR camera. And Thank You to Ivan for putting up this and friends who has made this a lovely birthday.

a simple,
yet lovely


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